Let’s get to work

So I’ve put together a rough sketch of goals that came out of conversation at the Great Emergence Conference in Memphis.   These especially came out of lunch time conversation and our afternoon during the Hyphenad gathering.  If you were in Memphis, I sent an invitation to you through gmail.  If you weren’t in Memphis, we’d love for you to join in the conversation. 

Here’s the site for the shared google document:  http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=ddqpsmkt_0c55m97c3&hl=en 

If it doesn’t work for some reason, e-mail me ( baughman31@google.com ) and I’ll send an invite to you.  As we edit, I’ll periodically update the Methomergent Lab with a current draft. 

Please make sure to edit with a color other than black and then keep that color so that we can tell who is writing what.  it’ll make the conversation flow better.  Thanks!

Oh!  And please please pray for this process.  It makes a difference.

Peace,   Mike +